Monday 25 July 2011

Day 30 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the future

I can't believe we're finally done!! Can you believe we've finally finished our 30 Day challenge?? My one last chance to talk about myself.  What will I do without this challenge....oh, who's kidding who. We all know I'll be back again to talk about me whenever the fancy tickles me!

Hope and dreams, huh? well, my hope and dreams for my kidlettes is easy. I hope only to teach them right from wrong and that they don't do anything that requires the police! LOL.  I know having two teenage boys is going to interesting and that they're gonna get into trouble all on their own. I just hope that they're smart about it and that they don't get anyone pregnant until they're married!!!

Plans for my future?? One plan I have is that Kirk and I return to the Dominican Republic and go to the hotel we went to when we were engaged. It was the most fun we ever had on a trip and I want to relive that experience with him before our 10 year anniversary.  I love travelling with Kirk. He always makes me do the scary things that I learn to love, like snorkeling!!

One last plan for the future for myself is to lose some weight. Get ready for some posts about skinny me because I'm about to take my OCD to a whole new level! LOL.  We ordered a machine (which I've never had before!!) called the Total Flex and I'm gonna start kicking some ass!!!

Well my pretties. That's all I got today. This last week hasn't been so great for me. My return to work has turned out to be more difficult than I had originally thought it would so I'm a bit too depressed to have anything awesome to talk about.  So let's reconvene another time, shall we! Smooches!


  1. Sounds like great plans AND great dreams. best of luck with everyting and congrats on making it through the Challenge!

  2. Congrats on completing the challenge. But sorry to hear the transition back to work has been so hard. Stay strong.

    Lisa x
